Hi. We are so glad you are here! We will do our utmost to let you feel welcome. Reach out to us if we can help you in any way. ❤️
Some years ago we made a very important decision. We sold our house in the Netherlands and went to Spain. Changing our lives so radically gave us a huge boost.
In our first year in Spain, we travelled from Isla Cristina, the western point of the south coast, all the way to Cartagena. We rented either a house or an apartment and after a few days or weeks moved on to the next place. That is a marvellous way of getting to know a country and the people living there.
All the time we were searching for our ideal spot. And right at the time, I was getting a bit desperate, we found it at the foot of a nature park.
Table of contents
Changing our lives was changing our perspective
Hannie: “to be able to make such a huge decision doesn’t come overnight of course. A period of doubt and not feeling too happy about myself made me realize that the only way out of that was to actually do something. Mind you, at that time I couldn’t phantom my baby steps would evolve in giant paces.“
Unstuck yourself
Rest assured that feeling better about yourself doesn’t require emigrating to another country. 🙂
We had 2 reasons to go to Spain.
- Our son and his family live here and grandchildren are a big magnet;
- The warm climate attracted us very much.
Our mission is to inspire you to take your life into your own hands!
A friendly help
By showing you what we discovered and by telling you about the mistakes and the research we did, we want to inspire you to the same level of happiness we feel.
If you ever need a hand or have any questions, feel free to leave them below and we will be more than happy to help you out.
All the best,
Hannie Mommers
Tom van Oosterhout
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