Wouldn’t it be great if life came with guarantees? That when we eat healthily, do 15-minute workout exercises every day and live a stressless life we would be healthy and feel great all the time?
Well, it doesn’t work that way all the time. Even when we do all of the above and follow the physical exercise guidelines, we can get ill. As I found out at the start of this new decade.
I can complain about it, which doesn’t do me any good. Or I can get angry, which helps me even less. And I can give up on my healthy lifestyle altogether. Or I can just accept it and count my blessings and decide that physical exercise is good for me, no matter what.
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Table of contents
Physical exercise guidelines
To exercise our body, it’s best to stick to the guidelines. Alternate between moderate and intense exercise, and between stretching, strength training, balancing, aerobic and endurance training. Exercise at least 5 times a week for half an hour to an hour.
Exercise regularly

The year 2020 didn’t start exactly perfect for me. First, on January 1, I fell during our walk through the mountains. A couple of days later I was attacked by a severe kind of flu. I managed to do a Facebook Live, fully convinced my old trick was helping me, but afterwards collapsed into bed for 2 weeks.
This trick, which has helped me for years, is a mantra. It works like this: I start thinking quietly or out loud as soon as I am meeting someone who is ill: “I am healthy, I am healthy, I am healthy …”
But I guess, living a healthy lifestyle counts for something as well, don’t you think?
Rather cynically, someone remarked, “Well, so much for your healthy lifestyle”. And of course, I was disappointed, feeling miserable and cloudy. Yet, I am still optimistic. Because when I compare my life nowadays with when I was younger, back then I was ill almost all of the time.
A healthy lifestyle pays off

Let’s start with the disclaimer. Living a healthy lifestyle does not come with guarantees. A cold or the flu can be caught anytime. Or another virus as we all know too well from the present pandemic. Even big problems like cancer or dementia can happen.
That’s why we have to make sure that our healthy lifestyle is not a burden. Tom and I make sure we mainly do the things we like while in the meantime being convinced we’re on the right track.
To name a few:
- Tom works in the garden and regularly rides his race bike to boost his breath;
- I meditate and do condition, stretch, or strength training before breakfast;
- We walk almost daily in the surrounding mountains, enjoying nature;
- Our meals are 90-95% vegetarian and organic, and since Tom is an excellent cook it’s always tasty.
So if our lives won’t be as long and thriving as we anticipate, at least we had fun doing the things we love. Even our exercises are not a chore. And those are important because they contribute to a healthy lifestyle.
Exercising reduces the risk of…

- Cardiovascular disease and stroke;
- Elevated blood pressure;
- Osteoporosis, arthritis, and joint pain;
- Mobility and motility issues;
- Back issues;
- Chronic pain;
- Various cancers;
- Alzheimer’s.
By exercising we boost lean muscle mass, increase metabolism, lose weight, tone our body, and decrease the risk of injury, even when we start at age 60 or older.
Related: Walking for Health Benefits that will Reward You Immediately

Regular exercise also…
- Improves confidence;
- Life quality;
- Flexibility and motility;
- Speed, endurance, and mobility;
- Memory recall.
Customize your personal workout exercise

If you are out of the loop and haven’t been exercising regularly for quite some time, it’s important you first get the okay from your general practitioner. The last thing you want to do is start to exercise with a pre-existing condition and wind up on the sidelines with an injury when all you needed was a modified program.
It doesn’t matter how old you are, what your physical ability or health condition is because there’s always some sort of exercise that will benefit you. That’s something all doctors agree on because when we don’t use it, we WILL lose it. Particularly when we’re ageing.
To get started with our 3 15-minute workout exercises, you need to cater them to your personal tolerances and preferences. Choose an exercise you like. Later you can increase the duration and intensity of your exercise.
If you don’t want to go to the gym, do your exercises at home. You can also join a group that hikes or bikes. Or you test the water with an outdoor boot camp with intense interval training for all ages and abilities that is guaranteed to whip you into shape fast. You get the idea.
Set yourself up for success by making sure you are creating new habits with the support of your preferences, dislikes, and life-long experiences.
Related: Walking for Health Benefits that will Reward You Immediately
3 Fantastic 15 Minute Workout Exercises

Strength exercise and cardio blast
This is a sequence of 4 exercises that gives you a full-body workout. Keep in mind you can alternate different exercises and modify any of them if required.
The exercises are push-ups, crunches, squats, jumping jacks, marching on the spot, or jump rope; depending on your ability. Choose 4 to do for 1 minute and vary them regularly.
This sequence is done with 3x 5-minute intervals with a 1-2 minutes rest in between each interval; again, depending on your level of fitness.
Take the short break in between, just challenge yourself to get your heart rate up and breathing heavily. Be sure you sweat a lot.
Related: Conscientious Living: Exercising without the Gym is not Difficult
Power walk and lightweights
For this 15-minute mini exercise routine, you just need your running shoes and 2 lightweights, 2 or 5-pound dumbbells work great. Don’t be embarrassed if you can only hold 1-pound dumbbells. Challenge yourself, but never force yourself.
This is an interval power walk. Change your pace and intensity every 2 minutes to pump up your heart rate and challenge your body to start burning fat.
While you are doing this, you can swing the weights up and down like in an exaggerated natural walking motion, to get the full effect. This will also strengthen your arms and shoulders, and increase your cardiovascular capacity.
Tip: if you don’t have dumbbells, 2 small water bottles, filled with water, are great to start with.
Cross-trainer and weight machines

You can also do 15-minute workout exercises at the gym. Alternate bouts of the cross trainer or stepper and the weight machines.
Start with a 5-minute warm-up exercise at a moderate pace on the cross-trainer.
Next, do a 6-minute interval, alternating 3 different weight machines. Start with the pulldown machine, then the leg press, and last the chest press. Set your weights light but at a challenging level and execute forced reps of each. Each rep takes 1 minute.
Try to do as many pulldowns, leg extensions and chess presses as you can. The more you alternate your exercises, the more you maximize the burning of calories, according to Men’s Health.
Go back to the cross-trainer, and finish up with a nice challenging 4 minutes.
Use this to help you get on track for a healthy lifestyle!
What exercises do you do? Tell us in the comment box below.
I used to exercise a lot, with dancing at least 4 times a week, daily long walks, biking, swimming, fitness. Then I had a major setback, with long covid. Now I am getting back on track! I walk daily, and recently started my weight lifting work out again.
I am so glad to hear you were able to start your weight lifting again, Kadanza. It must be so horrible to suddenly have been pushed back by long covid. Pfff, I can’t imagine how I would have reacted. I am already bad at dealing with my immobility if I am a couple of weeks out of the running by a fall or back pain. Let alone being almost immobile for a year or longer. I do hope you have your strength back any time soon.
Thanks for your comment and get healthy soon.
The ‘good’ thing was, that I had brain fog too, so I couldn’t be too bothered at the time, lol. But now that I can think somewhat straight again , I am bothered and bored and worried about my health. So I am very happy indeed, that I see improvement.
Your physical setback was from 2 years ago? So, I guess you’re recovered, with all those excellent work out ideas you have shared here! I will check some of them out, for variety in my exercise routine.
Thanks for sharing them!!
Phew, I have heard such awful things about long covid from another friend, and now from you as well. It’s no pleasure, that’s for sure.
No, my setback is right now. I fell with an e-bike over a month ago and was black and blue all over. I have had bruises before (I get bruises quite easily) but I never knew that they can be pitch-black as well. Now I know. My bruises are gone by now, the sprains are not. The healing gets slower with ageing but nothing to be done about that. 🙂
Hi Hannie,
Fantastic article that covers so many important points! As life has become SO much simpler from a survival point of view, taking the time to engage in physical activity has become more important than ever. Our ancestors would’ve been on their feet all day, hunting and gathering just to survive. Modern technology and large-scale farming has eradicate the need to do so, and I sometimes think how crazy it would be if a hunter-gatherer were introduced to a supermarket!
As you mentioned, regular exercise helps us in so many different and beneficial ways – keep it up 🙂
Thanks for the compliment, Rob. Your remark made me smile, putting a hunter-gatherer into a supermarket, LOL.
Someone I follow, and whom you would find very interesting as well but unfortunately is solely blogging in Dutch, remarked that the hunter-gatherers were probably fisher-gatherers. I thought that was an interesting remark and might very well be true since catching fish was easier than catching running prey.
And you’re right we have to be careful with what we do, or rather forget to do, like walking enough and skipping sitting as much as possible.
Great you stopped by and take care.
I had to stop exercising due to a back and knee injury and consequently, my belly muscles turned into fat … So, now that I can do the movements again which I couldn’t do before, I am starting to exercise a little. I started running for a few weeks but stopped, I enjoyed it but I am not a huge fan of running. I like powerwalking, though, and I love the idea with the dumbbells, so I want to start doing that. I also want to buy a new bicycle. I’ve always loved riding a bicycle, and I would like to take it up again. Lately, I started dancing more. I just play some music and I dance automatically; so, I figured, why not turn this into an exercise routine? It is fun and effective.
Dancing is a marvellous idea, Christine! It’s fun and almost without realizing can burn a lot of calories. Another advantage, although not yet applicable in your situation is we can do it until a very high age, as I described in an article on one of my other websites: Have you Ever Thought of Ballroom Dancing as a Form of Exercise?
It’s always difficult to start over after an injury, don’t you think? Important, but it takes a lot of discipline. At times I fall, and each injury seems to take longer than the one before to recover. So I have to do my utmost to get back on track.
Thanks for your comment and get healthy soon, Christine!