3 Fantastic 15-Minute Workout Exercises for a Healthy Lifestyle

3 Fantastic 15-Minute Workout Exercises for a Healthy Lifestyle

Wouldn’t it be great if life came with guarantees? That when we eat healthily, do 15-minute workout exercises every day and live a stressless life we would be healthy and feel great all the time?

Well, it doesn’t work that way all the time. Even when we do all of the above and follow the physical exercise guidelines, we can get ill. As I found out at the start of this new decade.

I can complain about it, which doesn’t do me any good. Or I can get angry, which helps me even less. And I can give up on my healthy lifestyle altogether. Or I can just accept it and count my blessings and decide that physical exercise is good for me, no matter what.

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What is the Best Way to Beat Depression without Medicines?

What is the Best Way to Beat Depression without Medicines?

Depression is a huge problem in society nowadays. Both young and old can suffer an overwhelming sense of helplessness and anxiety. 

If you are a cynic you could say people just have too much time to worry. A remark that doesn’t help anybody, nor is it true in my opinion.

This article explains why exercise is a great way to beat depression. Other articles like Why we Have to Allow ourselves to Experience our Emotions and Why Should we be Grateful for Health and Relations? approach the subject from a different angle.

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How to Live Longer and Have the Best Healthy Lifestyle

How to Live Longer and Have the Best Healthy Lifestyle

How to live longer? Get your body on the move. It’s as if the older we get, the more we sit on the couch. Reading, watching TV, falling asleep. This attitude is addictive. More and more the body likes to sit on the couch

As with most addictions, it’s very hard to get rid of it. Prevention is actually the best way to try to avoid this risk. And yes, this means you have to change. And your body will disagree. 

When you start simple with one move or exercise and always reward yourself with some relaxation afterwards, you will notice that it will get easier in due time. This article gives a variety of suggestions that will support your efforts to get on the move. 

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Age-Related Health Conditions that may be Prevented with Exercise

Age-Related Health Conditions that may be Prevented with Exercise

Moving to a warmer climate did a great deal of good for my arthritis. And so did my exercises. Not just the specific exercises for my hands, but also the stretching, weight training, swimming, and walking.

There are 4 age-related health conditions that figure in my exercise zone: arthritis, cancer, heart disease, and mental health conditions.

My diverse routine exercise program, with cardiovascular exercise, strength training, and stretching, is aimed at preventing these conditions to materialize or worsen.

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Can We Keep ourselves Happy and Healthy as We Grow Older?

Can We Keep ourselves Happy and Healthy as We Grow Older?

Tom and I want to grow old and we want to grow old healthily and active. For this, we pursue 3 goals in life. 

Our first goal is personal: we want to feel happy and healthy and have an active life.

Secondly, we have a social goal: we want to be able to help each other and others in our social circle, if necessary and desired.

Thirdly, we pursue a collective goal: the happier and healthier we are, the less burdensome we are for others and public care.

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Conscientious Living: Exercising without the Gym is not Difficult

Conscientious Living: Exercising without the Gym is not Difficult

This good advice is constantly thrown at us: make sure you exercise. At least half an hour a day. Exercising is good for our health, our brain, and our overall well-being.

If we only link exercising to ‘the gym’, this message can overwhelm us. Because do we want to be at the gym every day? Or do we even have a gym in our surroundings?

But it’s not that hard. Exercising without the gym is a piece of cake. Really. Even if you are housebound, like during a lockdown because of the virus.

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What are the Dangers of Sitting too Long and How to Prevent it?

What are the Dangers of Sitting too Long and How to Prevent it?

Tom and I don’t have to make an effort for 2 of the – probably most – deadly factors for an ageing person: sitting too long and loneliness. I wrote about turning loneliness actively around in How to make friends when you are older? And this article is about the dangers of sitting too long and how to prevent it.

Ever since I have had my Oura ring I am aware of how much I spend my time sitting. Even though I consider myself an active person. Originally I bought the ring to give me insights into my sleep, but the ring collects a lot more data. Not just my active time, but also the inactive time.

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Is High Cholesterol Dangerous or is that too Bluntly said?

Is High Cholesterol Dangerous or is that too Bluntly said?

The common belief is that high cholesterol is the cause of blockage of the arteries, leading to heart problems, among other things.

And the common solution is to prescribe a cholesterol-lowering drug, statins.

In other words, cholesterol is seen as a problem that needs to be solved.

While it makes more sense to see high cholesterol as a symptom and work on the cause.

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