How to Have a Healthy Lifestyle that Contributes to Longevity?

How to Have a Healthy Lifestyle that Contributes to Longevity

How to have a healthy lifestyle that contributes to longevity is a challenging issue. We’ve addressed this issue before. In this article, we present a new perspective by summarizing the key elements.

Fortunately, most people are in good health. They consciously arrange for a healthy lifestyle and longevity. They are very keen on adapting to a healthy lifestyle, are successful in doing so, and are very happy about it.

We think that everybody can copy their behavior, to improve longevity and age successfully. The trick is to adapt our personal lifestyle to their example.

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How to Feed 10 Billion People on the Earth Sustainably?

How to Feed 10 Billion People on the Earth Sustainably?

How to feed 10 billion people on the earth sustainably? This is a question of concern for all of us. Not just politicians and the food industry should decide what we will eat in the next 50 years.

The speedy population growth puts the responsibility for a sustainable planet and economy in the hands of us, the people. Our scope to control such huge ambitions is however limited.

This is why we need to improve our confidence when it comes to the answer to the question ‘How to feed 10 billion people on Earth in a sustainable way?’

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