How to Convert to Organic Farming?

How to Convert to Organic Farming?

How to convert to organic farming is complicated. Not because of the actual agricultural transition. The final results will give most farmers much more pleasure and satisfaction. Modern conventional farming is doctored out for the farmers in the offices of banks, multinationals, and supermarkets. There is not much fun in farming like this.

No, the biggest problem of the conversion, and the consecutive organic farming experience, is the incessant bureaucracy. This should not be a problem when conventional farmers also had to go through all the same paperwork. Yet, they don’t have to.

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Is Losing Weight More Difficult when we Age?

Is Losing Weight More Difficult when we Age?

Given my own experience, I am sure losing weight is more difficult when we age. When I was young I weighed 50 kg. With my height of 1.72 m that hardly was a healthy weight and I often had black spots in front of my eyes when I rose from a squatting or sitting position.

After my pregnancy, this changed dramatically. I was content I had gained 20 to 25 kg and that I didn’t lose it all after giving birth to my son. My weight back then was between 65 and 70 kg which made me feel more comfortable with my body.

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How to Control Eating Habits to Our Benefit in the Best Way

How to Control Eating Habits to Our Benefit in the Best Way

How to control eating habits is quite a challenge. Some of the following insights might support our efforts. These insights focus on the way we make everyday decisions. And more specifically, how we play tricks on ourselves.

No matter how smart we are, avoiding these tricks is not easy. So we never have to be ashamed when we are fooled by our own arguments. It takes awareness, time, and training to outmaneuver our tricky eating habits.

I will first explain some revealing ways how we make food choices. The first refers to how we assess portion size. The second refers to the influence of our social environment on how we forage our food. There are a number of other ways, but for now, these 2 are sufficient to make my point.

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How to Have a Healthy Lifestyle that Contributes to Longevity?

How to Have a Healthy Lifestyle that Contributes to Longevity

How to have a healthy lifestyle that contributes to longevity is a challenging issue. We’ve addressed this issue before. In this article, we present a new perspective by summarizing the key elements.

Fortunately, most people are in good health. They consciously arrange for a healthy lifestyle and longevity. They are very keen on adapting to a healthy lifestyle, are successful in doing so, and are very happy about it.

We think that everybody can copy their behavior, to improve longevity and age successfully. The trick is to adapt our personal lifestyle to their example.

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Why does Alternative Agriculture Come in So Many Unique Varieties?

Why does Alternative Agriculture Come in So Many Unique Varieties?

To understand why alternative agriculture comes in so many unique varieties, it is good to review some of the most prominent practices. 

All alternative agriculture practices have one thing in common: the drive for sustainability.

This drive is no simple feat because it includes the balancing of totally different and seemingly opposite concerns, such as the supply of sufficient human food, and valuable biodiversity.

Despite the fact that there are still too many people who do not have enough food, and there are still way too many people who eat far too much food, not very much is required to restore the human food balance.

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How to Feed 10 Billion People on the Earth Sustainably?

How to Feed 10 Billion People on the Earth Sustainably?

How to feed 10 billion people on the earth sustainably? This is a question of concern for all of us. Not just politicians and the food industry should decide what we will eat in the next 50 years.

The speedy population growth puts the responsibility for a sustainable planet and economy in the hands of us, the people. Our scope to control such huge ambitions is however limited.

This is why we need to improve our confidence when it comes to the answer to the question ‘How to feed 10 billion people on Earth in a sustainable way?’

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Is it OK to Eat Goji Berries Every Day? (Are they Really Healthy?)

Is it OK to Eat Goji Berries Every Day? (Are they Really Healthy?)

Goji berries have been on my list of superfoods for several years now. In the beginning, I ate them occasionally. Until I saw that they lower cholesterol, which naturally made me wonder: Is it OK to eat Goji berries every day?

Goji berries aren’t new to people in Tibet, the Himalayas, and China. However, they’re fairly new to our part of the world and I am glad they can now be bought in most organic stores.

A variety of benefits were associated with Goji berries in ancient Chinese medicine. They are mentioned in the oldest Chinese medical and herbal books.

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What Energy Balls Recipes with Dates are Excellent for our Health?

What Energy Balls Recipes with Dates are Excellent for our Health?

Power balls or energy balls are marvelous for fighting the afternoon slump. These energy balls recipes with dates are quite easy to make and they’ll be finished before you know it. Making them as well as eating them. 🙂

My yearly health checkups often show that my cholesterol levels are above normal. So I have a list of foods that lower the LDL level or are good for the HDL level. It’s pinned to the refrigerator.

Lots of these foods are perfect to mix in energy balls. If you have an ailment that requires certain foods try to blend them into the power balls.

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