How to Reduce the Use of Plastic and Save Plants, Animals, and Our Health

How to Reduce the Use of Plastic and Save Plants, Animals, and Our Health

How to reduce the use of plastic is essentially our responsibility. Luckily there are numerous ways in which we can reduce the use of plastic, either at our job or at home. 

As a matter of fact, it is quite easy. Imagine what our average day looks like. We get out of bed, freshen ourselves up, get dressed, eat, work, eat, try to relax, and go to bed again. 

During such an average day there are 3 activities that are inseparably linked with the use of plastic: hygiene, consumption, and leisure. Every type of activity offers alternatives for the plastics we use.

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Can we Safely Freeze Food in Glass Jars to Avoid Food Waste?

Can we Safely Freeze Food in Glass Jars to Avoid Food Waste?

Food is wasted everywhere. That starts with the harvest, then with the distribution, followed by the shops and restaurants. But most of the food is wasted by us, the consumers. According to the Commission for Environmental Cooperation, about 57% of total food waste occurs at home.

Any leftovers from the meal can be frozen for later when we don’t have time to cook.

But what should we use if we don’t want plastic in the kitchen? Is it safe to freeze food in glass jars? To answer that question right away: yes, it is possible, provided the glass meets a few conditions.

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Are there Easy Ways to Reduce Plastic Waste? LastObject Knows

Are there Easy Ways to Reduce Plastic Waste? LastObject Knows

In 2020 there was worldwide 900% more plastic than in 1980. An unbelievable number, don’t you think? I think there is a huge responsibility with the companies that produce plastic objects and wrap their products in plastics. Yet we as consumers can put in an effort as well. It’s not that hard.

There are easy ways to reduce plastic waste for conscious consumers. I agree with the following quote: “We don’t need a handful of people doing zero waste perfectly. We need millions of people doing it imperfectly”.

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