Does Vitamin C boost your Immune System in a Successful Way?

Does Vitamin C boost your Immune System in a Successful Way?

One of the best methods to increase our immune system is to take care of hygiene. Equally important is to make sure we eat and drink healthy stuff, like organic produce and clean water. 

Sometimes our body demands extra, so the question is: does Vitamin C boost your immune system?

Linus Pauling is the only scientist so far that received 2 Nobel prizes in 2 different areas (Chemistry and Peace) not been shared with somebody else. In 1970 he wrote Vitamin C, the Common Cold and the Flu. In this book, he emphasizes the importance of Vitamin C. Grams of Vitamin C.

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Climate Change and Statistics are Inextricably Connected

Climate Change and Statistics are Inextricably Connected

Climate change and statistics are a much-debated issue. That is because, more in general, statistics tend to predict the future. In the case of climate change, our future looks rather bleak.

To produce climate change statistics is a highly professional job, requiring meticulously applied scientific, mathematical methods. Only very few professionals know the ins and outs of these methods.

This is probably why the United Nations (UN) generated its climate statistics from 130 countries across the globe. The UN also debated the indicators for their climate change statistics with these countries. This bottom-up approach must provide the much-needed trust.

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Medical Care for the Elderly Lags Substantially Behind

Medical Care for the Elderly Lags Substantially Behind

“Medical care for the elderly lags substantially behind in most Western countries.” Already in 2007, the Dutch professor of internal medicine and gerontology Rudi Westendorp made this claim in one of his famous lectures.

Westendorp advanced two arguments to prove medical care for the elderly lags behind. The first was that the medical protocols prevented a more coherent approach of the elderly. His second argument was that people over 65 were consistently excluded from medical research.

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