Review of Your Super – Superfood in a Cardboard Can?

Review of Your Super - Superfood in a Cardboard Can?

Until a few years ago I had never heard of superfoods. Probably nobody had. 🙂 And all of a sudden they are the talk of the town. Are they really that super and what can be the benefits of superfood? 

This article will be about superfoods and is a review of Your Super that sells superfoods in the form of powders.

Be aware that superfood is a marketing term. There is no scientific research to back up some of the claims that are made about superfoods. A one-sided diet is never healthy. So I do eat superfoods myself, but always together with a variety of other (in my eyes) healthy food. 

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Review of Your Super

Your Super is based in the US as well as the EU. They are a certified B company and sell organic superfood powder with the intention to improve people’s health.

Are superfoods super?

Review of Your Super - Boosting my immune system

As you can read in my eBook about rainbow-colored food, food is important as a supplier of vitamins, minerals, fibers, and energy. Some food has a surplus of one ingredient, other food has a lot of another ingredient. Depending on what your body needs, this makes certain food superfoods. At least, that is my personal approach to superfood.

In these enduring times of the COVID-virus I am especially interested in food, as I am convinced that our immune system should be able to fight the virus. I am not against vaccines – I just don’t think that a vaccine is the solution in this case. A healthy lifestyle and sustainability is. 

—>>> Download “Use the Colors of Food to Benefit your Health” here <<<—

Why boosting your immune system is important

A new product: Super Bars, wrapped in paper.
Use our link and the code OURGREENHEALTH at checkout for a 15% reduction on your whole order.

When you look for advice there are just as many articles that say you should boost your immune system, as there are articles that state you can’t. In the end, it is your own experience and your own body that will tell you which side is right.  

When I was younger I was ill at least 3 times in winter and often also once or twice in summertime. As I had been very ill as a child, I thought I was just in poor health and accepted the fact for what it was.

How many more healthy hours I could have had if I had adjusted my lifestyle back then. Oh well, that’s all water under the bridge. The important fact is, that I am feeling much healthier nowadays and that my blood tests are OK.

Super for the environment as well

We as human race have done a very bad job taking care of the earth and nature. That’s one of the reasons I don’t believe in a vaccine. As soon as there is one, everything is back to ‘normal’ and we will go on polluting the soil and heating up the climate until the next virus arrives.

Not only do I want to consume superfoods and use supplements that enhance my health, but I want those to be organic. And I chose products that use as less single-use plastic as possible.

Review: YourSuper - Super Food in a Cardboard Can?

The story of Your Super

Do you believe companies have a character? I do. I consider companies as sympathetic, or greedy, or unconcerned, etc. Of course, companies are people. But those people can be very sympathetic in their private lives and real jerks in their work, if their company doesn’t treat them well.

Your Super is a sympathetic company. I have had contact with a couple of people from sales and marketing, and I see them communicate in the Facebook group. They are all very helpful and have the benefit of their client as top priority.

The origin story of Your Super

Their origin story is an interesting one as well. Being both athletes Michael and Kristel, the founders, thought they were invincible and extremely healthy. Until at age 24 Michael was diagnosed with cancer.

During his recovery Kristel investigated everything about food to boost the immune system. Both young people started to eat superfoods and saw health benefits in themselves, although different ones.

Use our link and the code OURGREENHEALTH at checkout for a 15% reduction on your whole order.

What does Your Super sell?

They have several different products that each contain 5 or 6 types of superfood in powder form. For instance, Energy Bomb contains Acai, Maca, Banana, Guarana, and Lucuma. Super Green contains Wheatgrass, Barley Grass, Moringa, Baobab, Spirulina, and Chlorella.

I had Spirulina before. It’s quite salty tasting and I like the taste of the mix with other powders better.

Why in the form of powder?

There are several advantages for the powder. 

  • It doesn’t take up a lot of space;
  • It is easier to add a spoonful of powder to a smoothie than the equivalent in fruits and vegetables;
  • The powders are packed full of nutrients;
  • It’s easier to send them.

Rightful claims or not?

Michael recovered greatly from his cancer treatment and Kristel’s allergies and eczema vanished. They don’t claim that this is what will happen to all users. They just described how it helped them and others they shared their experiences with.

I might have skipped information, but as far as I have seen they don’t claim health benefits. Just say that it has helped them and friends and family. No other claims.

How about the environment

Environmental friendly packaging

The process of the Your Super powders is durable and transparent. The quality is guaranteed and organic. The powders are packaged in cardboard rolls and they come in card boxes with wrinkled kraft paper as filling. You can imagine how I love all that. The only thing I hate is the plastic cap. 

I can imagine this cap is necessary to keep the goods moist free, but I have tea packaged in cardboard boxes that stays fresh and moist free for quite some time. And as the EU is going to ban single-use plastic from 2021 (unfortunately not all single-use plastic, but a lot) there has to be found a different solution anyway.

Is it expensive?

Everyone thinks differently about what is expensive. I don’t think Your Super is expensive. When I buy all these superfoods separately it’ll cost me more. Although then, I could spread the costs, where ordering a couple of rolls is quite an amount in one go. My health is worth that in my eyes.

I am an affiliate of this company, meaning I get paid a little amount if someone orders through my affiliate link. Usually the price of an affiliate product is not different from the normal price. In this case you have an advantage: if you order through my link you will get a 15% reduction.
Just use my code OURGREENHEALTH at checkout. It will give you 15% discount on the whole order!

The final verdict about Your Super

Use our link and the code OURGREENHEALTH at checkout for a 15% reduction on your whole order.
  • Sympathetic brand;
  • Quality product;
  • Certified organic;
  • Non-GMO certified and 100% plant-based;
  • Environmental friendly;
  • Both in the USA ( and in Europe (;
  • Giving back: for every Your Super mix a food bar is given to a malnutritioned child.

It is obvious I recommend this brand and for what reasons. What I didn’t mention yet is that they have a 30-day guarantee. If you are not happy with the product for whatever reason you can get a refund within 30 days.

What are your thoughts about superfood? Tell me in the comment box.

6 thoughts on “Review of Your Super – Superfood in a Cardboard Can?”

  1. Hi Hannie,
    Amazing!! I wasn’t ever a fan of all these so called superfood until reading your post now. You made me see the concept from another view of it helping individuals in different way but not the claims some people are claiming just to sell.
    Thanks for the great information and unbiased review.

    • Thanks, Benson, I always hope to inspire others to do the best for their health as possible. As I am trying to do myself. 🙂
      Take care.

  2. Hi Hannie, I really like the sound of this company! They sound really positive and inspirational. Is there anything you have learned about them that you don’t like. I really value you opinion. Thank you.

    • Hi Catherine, yes, I think so too, they are very sympathetic. And so far, there are only the plastic caps that I keep nagging about. I have nothing else that bothers me. I like their way of communicating. They are a clever company. Of course they want to sell, but often when they send an email, there is an ebook included with recipes. Or tips on how to use stuff. Very useful.

  3. Hi and thanks for sharing this. I checked out the Your Super site. I guess I feel in a bit of a quandry. Its as if I have so many health problems I’m not sure where to start. Chronic back pain, sore muscles and general aches and pains just to mention a few. I am guessing that the Immunity Bundle might be the right choice. But I would prefer to start small. I am thinking that Super Green would be a good starting point?
    Thanks and best regards

    • I am so sorry you have so many troubles, Andy. I would indeed try the immunity buncle. Or another good choice is the trial pack they have. These are little sachets of 15gr each of all the products.
      The best advice I can give is, try exercises and different kinds of food, but always in little steps. Don’t change everything all at once. Not only because you don’t know how your body will react, but also, because then you will never know what did the trick.
      I am not a fitness advisor or dietician, just an expert by experience. So if you want to have a coffee chat with me, make an appointment here. I don’t sell anything!


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