Wonderful Advantages of Watermelon, especially in a Hot Summer

Wonderful Advantages of Watermelon, especially in a Hot Summer

When in Rome, do as the Romans do!

This also applies to Spain obviously. This is our second summer in our new homeland and I can assure you: it’s HOT in July and August. Pfff.

I didn’t like the at least 7 months of cold and rain in the Netherlands, but I have to admit, I don’t like those 2 months of intense heat in Spain either.

Although, calculating it is not such a wrong exchange, don’t you agree?

So, when in Spain, do as the Spaniards do, and that is eat watermelon. It’s their preferred choice of thirst quencher. Moreover, there are a lot of advantages to watermelon.

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Why is Coconut Oil Good for your Skin, Hair, and Body?

Why is Coconut Oil good for your Skin, Hair and Body?

At a health seminar, I heard about oil pulling. Not hindered by any kind of knowledge I bought a pot of coconut oil and tried it myself. And concluded that I lack the patience for something like that. Oil pulling is comparable to mouthwash. You have to keep the oil in your mouth for 15-20 minutes and let it swish around.

Finally, wanting to answer the question “Why is coconut oil good for your teeth”, I discovered that coconut oil is 100% saturated fat. Half a year before that I was warned that my cholesterol was too high, and I was panicky about anything leaning towards saturated fat.

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Is High Cholesterol Dangerous or is that too Bluntly said?

Is High Cholesterol Dangerous or is that too Bluntly said?

The common belief is that high cholesterol is the cause of blockage of the arteries, leading to heart problems, among other things.

And the common solution is to prescribe a cholesterol-lowering drug, statins.

In other words, cholesterol is seen as a problem that needs to be solved.

While it makes more sense to see high cholesterol as a symptom and work on the cause.

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Best Seeds to Eat for your Daily Dose of Healthy Supplements

Best Seeds to Eat for your Daily Dose of Healthy Supplements

If you open our kitchen cabinet, you would find many pots of seeds in addition to the spices. I really like seeds in my salads and bowls of almond yogurt.

In my opinion, there are seeds that are better than others, and tastier. I will list the best seeds to eat in this article.

Seeds generally contain more omega-3 fats, protein, and fiber than nuts, while seeds provide fewer calories! And seeds are a huge source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

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