Is Losing Weight More Difficult when we Age?

Is Losing Weight More Difficult when we Age?

Given my own experience, I am sure losing weight is more difficult when we age. When I was young I weighed 50 kg. With my height of 1.72 m that hardly was a healthy weight and I often had black spots in front of my eyes when I rose from a squatting or sitting position.

After my pregnancy, this changed dramatically. I was content I had gained 20 to 25 kg and that I didn’t lose it all after giving birth to my son. My weight back then was between 65 and 70 kg which made me feel more comfortable with my body.

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How to Increase Longevity Sustainably? This is the Forgotten Ingredient

How to Increase Longevity Sustainably? This is the Forgotten Ingredient

How to increase longevity sustainably? It is now the fall of 2021 and the worst physical effects of the pandemic are hopefully over.

A few months ago, many young people were found to have mental problems. Gradually it becomes clear that not only the young have suffered spiritually.

It’s a pity that the world is currently mostly ruled by fear. If there is one aspect that is great for your health and healthy longevity, it is to be fearless and happy.

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Conscientious Living: Exercising without the Gym is not Difficult

Conscientious Living: Exercising without the Gym is not Difficult

This good advice is constantly thrown at us: make sure you exercise. At least half an hour a day. Exercising is good for our health, our brain, and our overall well-being.

If we only link exercising to ‘the gym’, this message can overwhelm us. Because do we want to be at the gym every day? Or do we even have a gym in our surroundings?

But it’s not that hard. Exercising without the gym is a piece of cake. Really. Even if you are housebound, like during a lockdown because of the virus.

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