Happiness is More than Thinking Positive Thoughts

Happiness is More than Thinking Positive Thoughts

When someone asks me “What defines your happiness?”, then for me – besides thinking positive thoughts – it’s also studying and learning new things. At times my focus point of study is neuromarketing. Last year it was epigenetics

Those 2 disciplines both have the primal brain as their object of study. Neuromarketing got my interest from a business point of view, where epigenetics triggers me on a personal level.

Epigenetics is a new discipline that studies the influence of our environment and our behaviour on the activation of genes. It shows that anything we do, eat, drink or think can make us stronger or weaker. 

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Is Happiness the Key to be Successful or Vice Versa?

Is Happiness the Key to be Successful or Vice Versa?

Is happiness the key to be successful or is success the key to be happy? It probably depends on who you ask this question. If you ask me, I say happiness comes first. But if you would have asked my Dad he would have said success is the main thing.

The mother of my father had to raise 6 children on her own during the crisis of the 30s because my grandfather died young. So my father had a job from age 12.

He was determined to study and work himself up to a better position. He went to night school and became a very skilled metalworker. During World War II he was imprisoned in an Arbeitslager in Germany. My father always claimed this hadn’t been too bad because he found refuge in his profession and could perfect his skill there.

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Why Should we be Grateful for Health and Relations? 9 Benefits

Why Should we be Grateful for Health and Relations? 9 Benefits

As a kid, I had to pray before meals and every night before sleep. As a rebellious teenager, I really didn’t feel like it anymore. “Am I grateful today?” Why does that matter?

In my twenties, I even deregistered from the Catholic parish. Seeing that misery in Northern Ireland or the Middle East, for example, only because one party believed in a different God than the other party. Not for me.

As a consequence, praying was off-limits for me as well.

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How to Increase Longevity Sustainably? This is the Forgotten Ingredient

How to Increase Longevity Sustainably? This is the Forgotten Ingredient

How to increase longevity sustainably? It is now the fall of 2021 and the worst physical effects of the pandemic are hopefully over.

A few months ago, many young people were found to have mental problems. Gradually it becomes clear that not only the young have suffered spiritually.

It’s a pity that the world is currently mostly ruled by fear. If there is one aspect that is great for your health and healthy longevity, it is to be fearless and happy.

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10 Remarkable Health Benefits of Laughing and a Sense of Humor

10 Remarkable Health Benefits of Laughing and a Sense of Humor

The first time I heard about the health benefits of laughing was at a health seminar. The story went like this:

A man heard from his doctor that further treatment of his cancer was of no use and that his life prospects were about 3 months. He had a lot of money and no heirs, so he decided to spend his last days as pleasant as possible. 

He took up residence in a penthouse of a hotel with full board and access to the Humor Channel and watched funny movies and stand up comedians all day long.

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