Healthy Feet are Important because they Carry the Full Weight of Our Body

Healthy Feet are Important because they Carry the Full Weight of Our Body

Healthy feet are important, as well as healthy footwear. As a matter of fact, one can not do without the other.

The best healthy feet are those feet that do without shoes. However, most of us wear shoes. Because we want to, or we have to. Being used to walking with shoes on, there are certain risks to walking barefoot.

Whether we walk barefoot or with shoes, maintenance of our feet is essential. The prevention of falls is one of the reasons to maintain healthy feet.

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Sustainable Footwear Protects the Environment and Our Health

Sustainable Footwear Protects the Environment and Our Health

The best sustainable footwear is no footwear. Don’t think this is not possible. There is a huge movement out there of people who walk barefoot all day. Barefoot is not without risks, but in general, it’s better for your feet.

However, many of us wear shoes all day. By custom, or because we have to.

Buying shoes is always a challenge. What to look out for? What’s best for my feet? Do the shoes also support the rest of my body? What to wear in which season?

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How to Manage Medication without Getting Sick?

How to Manage Medication without Getting Sick?

How to manage medication without getting sick? This is a rather strange question. For me, the question explains 3 things.

First, it’s best to learn to manage medication when we are not sick. Second, it’s good to understand that medication, when not properly administered, can get us very sick. This is why we should only use official medication which is prescribed by a medical professional.

Third, it is important for us to understand that we also have a responsibility of our own. Once we accept a specific medical therapy, we need to discipline ourselves to follow suit. The lack of medication therapy compliance often hampers the healing process.

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Why is Alternative Medicine Good and Bad? (You’re in for Some Surprises)

Why is Alternative Medicine Good and Bad? (You’re in for Some Surprises)

Why is alternative medicine good and bad? To prevent becoming schizophrenic from answering this question, I will only discuss the topic on some broad, but very surprising lines.

First I will introduce some of my personal experiences with medicines. Next, I will debate alternative and traditional medicine and quackery.

These introductions and debates are followed by my explanation of why we as medicine customers exaggerate the value of our health.

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What is the Function of Dietary Fiber for our Body?

What is the Function of Dietary Fiber for our Body?

In The 6 Essential Nutrients to Have a Balanced Diet, I have mentioned that some say this should actually be “the 7 essential nutrients” because dietary fiber should be included as well. This poses of course the question “What is the function of dietary fiber?”.

Our ancestors had a diet rich in fiber. Gradually, a large part of our food has been refined and stripped of nutrients and fibers.

In the US, 40% of the inhabitants eat fast food every day, which does not contain any fiber. In Europe, most people eat an average of 15 grams of fiber per day, which should be double the amount.

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Why are Dates Good for Us? 10 Pros and 4 Cons, plus a Quick Recipe

Why are Dates Good for Us? 10 Pros and 4 Cons, plus a Quick Recipe

When you google “why are dates good for us?” or any variation with the word dates in it, some articles will be about dating. That is not the kind of date I am talking about here. This article is about the date we can eat.

My husband Tom and I moved to Spain a couple of years ago. Ever since we eat a lot of dates. The dates that are available in the Netherlands, are the dried kind that has a lot of added sugar. The dates over here are fresh and delicious.

Most of the properties of dates are good for us, but as with all foods, some people don’t react well to them and there are circumstances where we should be careful about eating dates.

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Is Coconut Oil Good or Bad for our Health According to the Experts?

Is Coconut Oil Good or Bad for our Health According to the Experts?

Finding the right information to answer the question “is coconut oil good or bad for our health?” is not easy. As often happens in health matters, there are as many proponents as there are opponents of coconut oil.

Usually, I first search for proper information and then draw conclusions based on what I consider to be in my personal interest.

In this article, I explain the health claims that can be found for coconut oil and what my own experiences and considerations are with it.

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The 8 Most Important Essential Oils Everyone Should Have

The 8 Most Important Essential Oils Everyone Should Have

Search for “most important essential oils” or “must-have essential oils” and you’ll get several lists. Some oils are on all the lists, others are personal preferences. The list in this article is my personal preference, based on what oils help me best.

When I began to use essential oils I bought a starter kit because I didn’t know anything about the oils. I supposed a starter kit would have all the right essential oils. But in the end, there are just a few types of essential oils that I kept on using once a bottle was empty.

Never did it occur to me that I could have better educated myself first, and after that buy the bottles that were right for me. So it’s really good, I think, to not make my mistake and browse the internet first before buying anything.

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