How to Use Essential Oil to Get the Most Benefit from It

How to Use Essential Oil to Get the Most Benefit from It

This article describes the benefits of essential oil, the ways in which the oil can be applied, and how to use essential oil safely. Depending on the type of oil and the desired effect, an essential oil is inhaled, applied to the skin, or ingested.

If you plan on using essential oils a lot, I recommend installing an app on your smartphone. You can find a lot of guides on using the oils, as well as apps with recipes to make blends.

Of course, you can also find this information on the internet. I have the app of Young Living and I like it that all necessary information is easily available, independent of where I am at that moment.

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10 Remarkable Health Benefits of Laughing and a Sense of Humor

10 Remarkable Health Benefits of Laughing and a Sense of Humor

The first time I heard about the health benefits of laughing was at a health seminar. The story went like this:

A man heard from his doctor that further treatment of his cancer was of no use and that his life prospects were about 3 months. He had a lot of money and no heirs, so he decided to spend his last days as pleasant as possible. 

He took up residence in a penthouse of a hotel with full board and access to the Humor Channel and watched funny movies and stand up comedians all day long.

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17 Natural Remedies for Scrapes, Bruises, and Minor Wounds

17 Natural Remedies for Scrapes, Bruises, and Minor Wounds

When we’ve worked in the garden or accidentally scraped along a rough wall, there are often some small wounds on our hands and arms.

You shouldn’t be too scared of this. Regular scratching ensures that your immune system remains activated. However, you must ensure that the wound is clean to prevent infection.

And if it itches or hurts, there are many natural remedies for scrapes and bruises that can relieve the inconvenience and even stop bleeding. You can buy a homeopathic remedy such as Calendula ointment or use something from nature.

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How to Buy Organic Food on a Budget the Smart Way – 9 Tips

How to Buy Organic Food on a Budget the Smart Way - 9 Tips

Buying organic foods is a growing necessity for many families. A lot of children are already obese at a young age. Half of the people living in the Western world have chronic diseases. The majority of elderly people are on medications that can be avoided for a great deal if we make healthy choices.

The more concerned we become about the pollutants and chemicals in our food, the greater the need for organic replacements. However, it’s not always easy to go the organic way as this can be expensive.

Once we are motivated enough it is very doable to buy organic food on a budget. If more people did this, it would be a big advantage in two ways: prices would drop because of more demand and organic farmers would get their fair share.

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How Clothing and Health are Related in Unusual Ways

How Clothing and Health are Related in Unusual Ways

The opening sentence of the book Clothing and Health: An Elementary Textbook of Home Making, is: “Our clothes are important for they help to keep us well. … Sewing is an art that all girls should learn. If we know how to sew, we can keep our clothes in order and always be neat and attractive in appearance.”

The book was published in 1920 and exclusively targets girls. In 1920 in the US, women spent over a billion dollars a year on textile materials alone.

To be neat and attractive, are not the only arguments the book introduces to explain why women should know how to sew their own clothes. Arguments that still carry some weight from our perspective: to know how to sew would make women aware of the costs of clothes, and the durability, and whether the clothes are comfortable. Perhaps it’s good to add that this also applies to men.

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Why is Eating Healthy Important and Where to Start?

Why is Eating Healthy Important and Where to Start?

Why is eating healthy important? In these days of confinement this question gets far more attention. That is because to sit at home all day comes with the imminent risk of over-eating and under-exercising.

It takes quite some self-discipline to eat healthily and to stay in motion when locked up inside four walls.

But what is ‘to eat healthy’? Does this mean that we have to eat healthy foods and drinks? Most dietary professionals also suggest certain food consumption behaviors. For example, we need:

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The Quality of Food Determines Life Expectancy

The Quality of Food Determines Life Expectancy

The quality of food determines life expectancy. However, the quality of food can as well be a savior as a menace. This is best understood in the contribution of food to the rise, and the subsequent standstill, of life expectancy during the past century and a half.

Average life expectancy almost doubled. This great achievement I have always attributed to the presence of clean water and better health care. This is only true to some extent. The rise in life expectancy must be mainly attributed to the mechanization of food production in the US.

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There are Many Ideal Protein Alternatives for Cow’s Milk

There are Many Ideal Protein Alternatives for Cow’s Milk

There are many ideal protein alternatives for cow’s milk. When we were young we drank three glasses of cow’s milk a day. And we ate a lot of cheese and yogurt.

Dairy products were considered extremely healthy. Of course, what we ate and drank when we were young brought us where we are now. Nevertheless dairy has lost much of its appeal. 

Over the years, many myths about cow’s milk have been dismantled. The ‘wrongs’ of cow’s milk are diverse. Cow’s milk can cause nasty respiratory and digestive problems. And why should you bother to drink cow’s milk when there are so many ideal protein alternatives.

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