Can We Keep ourselves Happy and Healthy as We Grow Older?

Can We Keep ourselves Happy and Healthy as We Grow Older?

Tom and I want to grow old and we want to grow old healthily and active. For this, we pursue 3 goals in life. 

Our first goal is personal: we want to feel happy and healthy and have an active life.

Secondly, we have a social goal: we want to be able to help each other and others in our social circle, if necessary and desired.

Thirdly, we pursue a collective goal: the happier and healthier we are, the less burdensome we are for others and public care.

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How to Attract Insects to our Garden and Support Biodiversity?

How to Attract Insects to our Garden and Support Biodiversity?

Do you like spiders? Flies? Mosquitoes? Most people don’t. Sometimes for good reasons, sometimes because of ancient-old ingrained fears. 

Would we want to attract insects to our garden?

It turns out that people hate invertebrates. Bad news for those poor creatures, because they make up 98% of the animal species. And all humans do is try to destroy them.

In the movies, invertebrates come off badly, and in the Bible, too, they are portrayed solely as pests and exterminators. Small children usually have an intuitive fear of anything that has more than 2 legs – spiders, crabs – or less, such as snakes.

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How to Have a Healthy Lifestyle that Contributes to Longevity?

How to Have a Healthy Lifestyle that Contributes to Longevity

How to have a healthy lifestyle that contributes to longevity is a challenging issue. We’ve addressed this issue before. In this article, we present a new perspective by summarizing the key elements.

Fortunately, most people are in good health. They consciously arrange for a healthy lifestyle and longevity. They are very keen on adapting to a healthy lifestyle, are successful in doing so, and are very happy about it.

We think that everybody can copy their behavior, to improve longevity and age successfully. The trick is to adapt our personal lifestyle to their example.

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How to Increase Longevity Sustainably? This is the Forgotten Ingredient

How to Increase Longevity Sustainably? This is the Forgotten Ingredient

How to increase longevity sustainably? It is now the fall of 2021 and the worst physical effects of the pandemic are hopefully over.

A few months ago, many young people were found to have mental problems. Gradually it becomes clear that not only the young have suffered spiritually.

It’s a pity that the world is currently mostly ruled by fear. If there is one aspect that is great for your health and healthy longevity, it is to be fearless and happy.

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The 4 Best Supplements to Help You Sleep at Night

The 4 Best Supplements to Help You Sleep at Night

This article describes the 4 best supplements to help you sleep so you feel both energized and rested the next day.

Most of the supplements to help you sleep have the advantage that they contain a lot of antioxidants. These limit cellular damage, thus slowing down the aging process. That’s a nice bonus, right? 

Read this article for general tips on How to sleep better and faster when you’re aging. There I listed 10 things I do to improve the quality of my sleep. One of those things is taking a sleep supplement.

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How to Feed 10 Billion People on the Earth Sustainably?

How to Feed 10 Billion People on the Earth Sustainably?

How to feed 10 billion people on the earth sustainably? This is a question of concern for all of us. Not just politicians and the food industry should decide what we will eat in the next 50 years.

The speedy population growth puts the responsibility for a sustainable planet and economy in the hands of us, the people. Our scope to control such huge ambitions is however limited.

This is why we need to improve our confidence when it comes to the answer to the question ‘How to feed 10 billion people on Earth in a sustainable way?’

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How to Choose Supplements that are Beneficial and Important

How to Choose Supplements that are Beneficial and Important

What aspects can we consider when looking for supplements because we have a deficiency of an element? How to choose supplements that are beneficial for our health, for our wallet, but also for our environment?

First of all, you must be certain that you have a deficiency at all. This might seem to state the obvious, but even though supplements are no medicines, they shouldn’t be taken lightly.

So make sure you base your choice on a medical test or blood analysis.

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To Walk or to Cycle, Which is Better? Either Way, they’re Both Sustainable

To Walk or to Cycle, Which is Better? Either Way, they're Both Sustainable

To walk or to cycle, which is better? There has never been any doubt in my mind that cycling and walking are the 2 most sustainable modes of travel.

However, the more we discuss sustainability issues in our articles, the more the question pops up in my head which of the 2 is the most sustainable. To walk or to cycle, which is better?

From the example of the city of Copenhagen and our own experiences, I tried to construct an answer to this question. As it happens, both walking and cycling are the most sustainable modes of travel and transport.

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