Walking for Health Benefits that will Reward You Immediately

Walking for Health Benefits that will Reward You Immediately

I have never been the sportive type. My husband Tom and I did an occasional walk during the week and for me, that was enough. Until I sprained my ankle. The physiotherapist hammered into me that walking for health reasons is not a luxury, but a necessity. I really should take it more seriously.

He was right of course. There are so many benefits from something as simple as walking that I considered myself not too smart postponing it for such a long time. Nowadays I am addicted. 🙂

The benefits listed here are not only achieved through walking but through any kind of exercise.

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What is the Difference between Circadian Rhythm and Biological Clock?

What is the Difference between Circadian Rhythm and Biological Clock?

A cow is an animal, but not all animals are cows. Likewise, a biological clock regulates the circadian rhythm, yet not all biological clocks are circadian.

In a nutshell that answers the question “What is the difference between circadian rhythm and biological clock?” There is more to it, which I will explain in this article.

Your circadian rhythm and your biological clock influence how you feel, your general condition, weight, and sleep. And since no one is exactly the same, it is important to know what your circadian rhythm is, how your biological clock and external factors affect it.

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10 Remarkable Health Benefits of Laughing and a Sense of Humor

10 Remarkable Health Benefits of Laughing and a Sense of Humor

The first time I heard about the health benefits of laughing was at a health seminar. The story went like this:

A man heard from his doctor that further treatment of his cancer was of no use and that his life prospects were about 3 months. He had a lot of money and no heirs, so he decided to spend his last days as pleasant as possible. 

He took up residence in a penthouse of a hotel with full board and access to the Humor Channel and watched funny movies and stand up comedians all day long.

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What are the Uses of Tea Tree Essential Oil and its Magnificent Benefits

What are the Uses of Tea Tree Essential Oil and its Magnificent Benefits

If you rather have a home remedy instead of over-the-counter or prescription antifungal medication, you might want to try the natural antifungal tea tree oil instead. This article will explain what are the uses of tea tree essential oil and how it can benefit you.

Tea tree oil is an essential oil derived from the leaves of the Melaleuca tree by steam distillation. The tree grows in Australia and tea tree leaves have been used by the Aboriginals for centuries.  

It is hailed for its antibacterial, antifungal, antiseptic, and antiviral properties, as well as tissue regenerative, making it a favorite among naturopaths and alternative health professionals. Tea tree oil’s immune-building properties have 12 times the antiseptic power of phenol.

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Collect Rainwater Safely and Effectively and Save on your Water Bill

Collect Rainwater Safely and Effectively and Save on your Water Bill

It is amazing how little a dry country like Spain does to manage rainwater. As a result, if it rains a lot, the streets are flooded and the water has nowhere to go. You would think it is not that hard to collect rainwater safely and effectively.

This is very different in the Northern European countries where it rains a lot, such as the Netherlands and Belgium. The municipalities not only attach great importance to water management, but they have various subsidy schemes for private individuals to make provisions.

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17 Natural Remedies for Scrapes, Bruises, and Minor Wounds

17 Natural Remedies for Scrapes, Bruises, and Minor Wounds

When we’ve worked in the garden or accidentally scraped along a rough wall, there are often some small wounds on our hands and arms.

You shouldn’t be too scared of this. Regular scratching ensures that your immune system remains activated. However, you must ensure that the wound is clean to prevent infection.

And if it itches or hurts, there are many natural remedies for scrapes and bruises that can relieve the inconvenience and even stop bleeding. You can buy a homeopathic remedy such as Calendula ointment or use something from nature.

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The Risk of using Artificial Fragrances and a Better Way to Smell Nice

The Risk of using Artificial Fragrances and a Better Way to Smell Nice

Is there a risk of using artificial fragrances and how would I notice? Now that we live in Spain, I am good most of the time, unless they burn the wood and plastic waste in the campo. Or when – especially the young – people pass me by with either their cigarettes or their perfumes and deodorants. Oof.

Between age 3 and 6 I had severe bronchitis. One of the recommendations of the lung specialist was to put me on a diet for which I am still grateful because I have hardly experienced the weight problems my mother and sister had all their lives.

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What is Insomnia and What Causes it?

What is Insomnia and What Causes it?

What is insomnia and what causes it? Insomnia primarily discourages the recovery we need after a day’s work. For years insomnia has been understood as an unavoidable condition of growing older. 

It was considered a matter of fact that a healthy sleep starts to dwindle in late middle age. From then on it should steadily erode.

Fortunately this is not true. Although, this does not mean there is no cause for some concern. There are major threats to our sleep ‘architecture’ and sleep ‘quality’, from inside and outside of our bodies. However, what is insomnia and what causes it?

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