Why Are Veganism and Vegetarianism Dangerous?

Why Are Veganism and Vegetarianism Dangerous?

Why are veganism and vegetarianism dangerous? The first question to be asked is of course: for whom are veganism and vegetarianism dangerous? 

The answer is simple and straightforward: veganism and vegetarianism are only dangerous for the multinational food industry.

The multinational food industry is responsible for 15% of human-produced greenhouse gas emissions. 

Moreover, the multinational food industry is responsible for more than 90% of the destruction of the Amazon forests. 

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Biodynamic Farming and its Unknown Monumental Impact on the Ban of Pesticides

Biodynamic Farming and its Unknown Monumental Impact on the Ban of Pesticides

Silent Spring is one of the most prominent books regarding the negative effects of pesticides, with direct influence on government, industry, and civil society.

More specifically the book was a fierce complaint against the use of the pesticide DDT, dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane.

The book was published in 1962 and was written by Rachel Carson. The impact of the book was immediate and substantial. Silent Spring lies at the roots of the rapid and extensive growth of the environmental movement in the 1970s. 

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Why does Alternative Agriculture Come in So Many Unique Varieties?

Why does Alternative Agriculture Come in So Many Unique Varieties?

To understand why alternative agriculture comes in so many unique varieties, it is good to review some of the most prominent practices. 

All alternative agriculture practices have one thing in common: the drive for sustainability.

This drive is no simple feat because it includes the balancing of totally different and seemingly opposite concerns, such as the supply of sufficient human food, and valuable biodiversity.

Despite the fact that there are still too many people who do not have enough food, and there are still way too many people who eat far too much food, not very much is required to restore the human food balance.

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What is a Sustainable Home and How Can We Develop One?

What is a Sustainable Home and How Can We Develop One?

The question – What is a sustainable home and how can we develop one? – requires an answer from 2 perspectives. 

The first perspective is that of the current state of the environment and the circumstances in which our home exists. 

The second perspective is that of the design and the construction of the actual home. What materials are used or do we want to be used? What are the esthetics? How much space do we desire?

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What is a Sustainable Lifestyle and How We Can All Achieve this

What is a Sustainable Lifestyle and How We Can All Achieve this

The question of what is a sustainable lifestyle precedes our knowledge of how we can achieve such a lifestyle. We need to agree on some notion of what sustainability is before we can actually make an effort.

Often to our frustration, we’re all aware that the scope of our sustainable actions is limited. However, by taking all individual actions together, we can make a substantial difference.

At the core of this effort is our understanding that moderation is the key to a sustainable lifestyle. Less is more. Being aware of this saves the environment and when we’re lucky also our health, our time, and our money.

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How Can you Be Sustainable while Traveling around the World?

How Can you Be Sustainable while Traveling around the World?

How can you be sustainable while traveling around the world might be a weird topic, hardly being able to travel at all because of the covid rules.

However, when you have the time to mesmerize about traveling, this will perhaps lift up your spirits a bit. 

If so, you might as well take the opportunity to design a sustainable travel plan. This is good for you, for the environment, for biodiversity, for the climate, and for the people that live in the countries and places you wish to visit. 

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Is Biodiversity Important to the Survival of Humans and the Planet?

Is Biodiversity Important to the Survival of Humans and the Planet?

During the past 200 years, humans had a substantial and not very positive impact on biodiversity. Our modern lifestyle, with sprawling cities and infrastructure, with our lighthearted production and consumption attitudes, pushed biodiversity to the brink.

With this, we produced substantial risks. Even our and the planets’ survival is at risk. Burning fossil fuels and spreading around millions of tonnes of chemical poisons jeopardize our existence as a species.

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How to Feed 10 Billion People on the Earth Sustainably?

How to Feed 10 Billion People on the Earth Sustainably?

How to feed 10 billion people on the earth sustainably? This is a question of concern for all of us. Not just politicians and the food industry should decide what we will eat in the next 50 years.

The speedy population growth puts the responsibility for a sustainable planet and economy in the hands of us, the people. Our scope to control such huge ambitions is however limited.

This is why we need to improve our confidence when it comes to the answer to the question ‘How to feed 10 billion people on Earth in a sustainable way?’

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