Organic Companion Planting for a Healthy Kitchen Garden

Organic Companion Planting for a Healthy Kitchen Garden

Organic companion planting is the key to a healthy kitchen garden. When toxic herbicides, pesticides, and fungicides aren’t allowed, as they aren’t in organic gardening, companion planting is the only solution.

From our following short introduction, you will get a limited grip on the ins and outs of companion planting. It requires knowledge of plants, plant diseases, insects that threaten and insects that benefit plants, which plants can be combined, and which not, etcetera. However, on a small scale as a kitchen garden, everybody will be able to manage the mutual dependencies.

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Grow your Own Herbs Indoors or Outside for Quality Herbal Tea

Grow your Own Herbs Indoors or Outside for Herbal Tea

As you may know, Tom and I are huge advocates of organic food. Yet we are also aware that in some places organic produce is hardly available. So why not grow some yourself? And if you don’t have a garden, herbs are especially easy to grow indoors.

Some are easy growers, others need more attention. The orientation of your window is important, as well as the soil you put them in. You can sow them or use cuttings. And nowadays there are complete, highly sophisticated indoor systems.

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Healthy Lifestyle: What are the Lifetime Benefits of Organic Food

Healthy Lifestyle: What are the Lifetime Benefits of Organic Food

The benefits of organic food are numerous. We buy and eat organic food, because it’s better for our environment, for biodiversity, for our food supply, for our health, and for farmers as well. How to explain all these advantages?

For us, to buy organic food is a way to contribute to a better world. With this in mind, we have no problem with the extra price we pay for organic food. It’s an investment that pays off immediately.

Organic food is in fact cheap because we hardly spend money on doctors or medication. We also enjoy investing in the devotion and enthusiasm of the organic farmers and shopkeepers we know. We admire their craftsmanship and their courage for going against the conventional farmers and food industry.

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Natural Organic Essential Oils and How to Use Them

Natural Organic Essential Oils and How to Use Them

A minor ailment – not serious enough to attend a doctor for, but annoying enough to bother you – could benefit greatly from essential oil. In an article about the forms of supplements, I described essential oils because some are suitable for internal use. However, there are many more applications.

If you have visited this website before, then you know that I am a big believer in organic products. So you understand, only natural organic essential oils qualify for me.

Years ago I was looking into methods to sleep better and one of the things that improved my sleep hugely was a quality Lavender Oil. Since I found that one, I have extended the use of essential oils to other aspects of my life as well.

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