What are the Positive Effects of Deforestation or are the Negative Effects Worse?

What are the Positive Effects of Deforestation or are the Negative Effects Worse?

In this article, I’ll try to be objective about the positive effects of deforestation and the negative ones. Although I must admit that I am a bit biased, my gut feeling is that at the moment the negative effects outweigh the positive ones.

“What now remains is like the skeleton of a sick man, all the fat and soft earth having wasted away, and only the bare framework of the land being left… Moreover, it was enriched by the yearly rains…”

This could very well be a quotation from a present-day text. It is not. It’s a complaint from the Greek philosopher Plato about the slopes of Athens in Critias which he wrote in 360 BC. Deforestation has been taking place from the time when agriculture became more widely practiced 4,000 years ago.

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Collect Rainwater Safely and Effectively and Save on your Water Bill

Collect Rainwater Safely and Effectively and Save on your Water Bill

It is amazing how little a dry country like Spain does to manage rainwater. As a result, if it rains a lot, the streets are flooded and the water has nowhere to go. You would think it is not that hard to collect rainwater safely and effectively.

This is very different in the Northern European countries where it rains a lot, such as the Netherlands and Belgium. The municipalities not only attach great importance to water management, but they have various subsidy schemes for private individuals to make provisions.

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Protect the 1.000.000 Endangered Species of the World

Protect the 1.000.000 Endangered Species of the World

Endangered species of the world. Hardly a day goes by or we talk about only one endangered species of the world: humans. It’s as if the pandemic totally closed us off from the rest of the world.

Biodiversity declines at an unmatched rate. Only fundamental changes can protect the 1.000.000 endangered plant and animal species of the world. Vested interests must be overturned.

We tend to forget that the survival of species, including us humans, depends on the ecosystems in which biosystems live. The most vulnerable species are threatened the most severely. This includes all of the poorest humans who live on this planet.

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17 Natural Remedies for Scrapes, Bruises, and Minor Wounds

17 Natural Remedies for Scrapes, Bruises, and Minor Wounds

When we’ve worked in the garden or accidentally scraped along a rough wall, there are often some small wounds on our hands and arms.

You shouldn’t be too scared of this. Regular scratching ensures that your immune system remains activated. However, you must ensure that the wound is clean to prevent infection.

And if it itches or hurts, there are many natural remedies for scrapes and bruises that can relieve the inconvenience and even stop bleeding. You can buy a homeopathic remedy such as Calendula ointment or use something from nature.

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The Advantages of Organic Farming Vastly Outweigh those of Conventional Farming

The Advantages of Organic Farming Vastly Outweigh those of Conventional Farming

The advantages of organic farming vastly outweigh those of conventional farming. However, the conversion from conventional to organic food production is one of the most challenging endeavors of the 21st century.

To illustrate the truth of both these arguments, I will explain what the challenges are of the conversion. I use the results from a research assignment two of my colleagues and I performed in 2002 and 2003 in The Netherlands.

A provincial board decided to join the national endeavor for an organic agricultural area of ​​10% in 2010. The most obvious expansion of organic agriculture in this province is that of organic dairy farming.

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How to Buy Organic Food on a Budget the Smart Way – 9 Tips

How to Buy Organic Food on a Budget the Smart Way - 9 Tips

Buying organic foods is a growing necessity for many families. A lot of children are already obese at a young age. Half of the people living in the Western world have chronic diseases. The majority of elderly people are on medications that can be avoided for a great deal if we make healthy choices.

The more concerned we become about the pollutants and chemicals in our food, the greater the need for organic replacements. However, it’s not always easy to go the organic way as this can be expensive.

Once we are motivated enough it is very doable to buy organic food on a budget. If more people did this, it would be a big advantage in two ways: prices would drop because of more demand and organic farmers would get their fair share.

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Attract Wildlife to our Garden to Promote Biodiversity in a Diverting Way

Attract Wildlife to our Garden to Promote Biodiversity in a Diverting Way

Global biodiversity is in decline. Apart from all the major culprits of this decline, the way we want our gardens to look is also contributing. So even when this is just a small share, why not attract wildlife to our garden to help biodiversity?

In narrow-occupied areas in the Netherlands and Spain, and probably in other countries as well, the owners tile their small stamp of a garden with ceramic tiles or even concrete slabs. There will certainly be insects and birds in such a bare area from time to time. However, they will be gone in no time.

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2 Delicious Organic Desserts, that are Ready in an Instant

2 Delicious Organic Desserts, that are Ready in an Instant

When we stopped eating and drinking dairy it was a big problem to come up with ideas for a dessert, especially organic desserts. Eventually we have found several recipes which gave inspiration to invent some of our own as well.

Almost everything we buy is organic. Someone asked me on Facebook where we get organic hazelnut paste. We’re glad that nowadays even in Spain there are more and more organic stores, where they have hazelnut paste, peanut butter, or cashew butter.

Have a look for another recipe here: apple and pear sauce.

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