What Are the Best Ways to Control Garden Pests without Chemicals?

What Are the Best Ways to Control Garden Pests without Chemicals?

It’s December at the moment and back in the Netherlands, I would never have to worry about pest control at this time. But over here in Spain, my second crop is in the kitchen garden. And the grasshoppers have a field day on my plants.

Whenever possible I try to avoid killing insects. I prefer them to move over to the woods behind our house or to the campo (the Spanish countryside). But I also want to eat my harvest so if they are very persistent, I take bigger measures.

What are the best ways to control garden pests without using chemicals or artificial toxins? I have listed 10 methods in this article.

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Social Networks Are Critical to Prevent Health Risks

Social Networks Are Critical to Prevent Health Risks

When we want to prevent health risks, we have to motivate our social circle as much as ourselves. Even when we assume to be healthy, prevention of health risks pays off. However, such prevention does not come by itself.

Prevention is a lifestyle intervention tool. For most of us, our lifestyle is the consequence of a long and repetitive social process. That’s why it’s very hard to try to change our lifestyle on our own.

As much as ourselves, we will have to motivate the social circles in which we participate. In this article, I explain why and offer some suggestions on how we can motivate our social circles to help us.

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Age-Related Health Conditions that may be Prevented with Exercise

Age-Related Health Conditions that may be Prevented with Exercise

Moving to a warmer climate did a great deal of good for my arthritis. And so did my exercises. Not just the specific exercises for my hands, but also the stretching, weight training, swimming, and walking.

There are 4 age-related health conditions that figure in my exercise zone: arthritis, cancer, heart disease, and mental health conditions.

My diverse routine exercise program, with cardiovascular exercise, strength training, and stretching, is aimed at preventing these conditions to materialize or worsen.

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Why Should we be Grateful for Health and Relations? 9 Benefits

Why Should we be Grateful for Health and Relations? 9 Benefits

As a kid, I had to pray before meals and every night before sleep. As a rebellious teenager, I really didn’t feel like it anymore. “Am I grateful today?” Why does that matter?

In my twenties, I even deregistered from the Catholic parish. Seeing that misery in Northern Ireland or the Middle East, for example, only because one party believed in a different God than the other party. Not for me.

As a consequence, praying was off-limits for me as well.

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26 Things to Do Before Breakfast to Ensure a Marvelous Day

26 Things to Do Before Breakfast to Ensure a Marvelous Day

The way we spend our time before breakfast sets the tone for the rest of the day. It even influences the way we will sleep at night. 

Especially in these challenging times of the Coronavirus, it’s tempting to get sloppy. Not just with the things to do before breakfast but also in spending the rest of our day.

I can assure you from my own experience that when you give in to feeling down, it is the start of a slippery slope downwards. You will not care about your plans anymore, about how you look, or about what you eat and drink.

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Can We Keep ourselves Happy and Healthy as We Grow Older?

Can We Keep ourselves Happy and Healthy as We Grow Older?

Tom and I want to grow old and we want to grow old healthily and active. For this, we pursue 3 goals in life. 

Our first goal is personal: we want to feel happy and healthy and have an active life.

Secondly, we have a social goal: we want to be able to help each other and others in our social circle, if necessary and desired.

Thirdly, we pursue a collective goal: the happier and healthier we are, the less burdensome we are for others and public care.

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How to Have a Healthy Lifestyle that Contributes to Longevity?

How to Have a Healthy Lifestyle that Contributes to Longevity

How to have a healthy lifestyle that contributes to longevity is a challenging issue. We’ve addressed this issue before. In this article, we present a new perspective by summarizing the key elements.

Fortunately, most people are in good health. They consciously arrange for a healthy lifestyle and longevity. They are very keen on adapting to a healthy lifestyle, are successful in doing so, and are very happy about it.

We think that everybody can copy their behavior, to improve longevity and age successfully. The trick is to adapt our personal lifestyle to their example.

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How to Increase Longevity Sustainably? This is the Forgotten Ingredient

How to Increase Longevity Sustainably? This is the Forgotten Ingredient

How to increase longevity sustainably? It is now the fall of 2021 and the worst physical effects of the pandemic are hopefully over.

A few months ago, many young people were found to have mental problems. Gradually it becomes clear that not only the young have suffered spiritually.

It’s a pity that the world is currently mostly ruled by fear. If there is one aspect that is great for your health and healthy longevity, it is to be fearless and happy.

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