How to Choose Supplements that are Beneficial and Important

How to Choose Supplements that are Beneficial and Important

What aspects can we consider when looking for supplements because we have a deficiency of an element? How to choose supplements that are beneficial for our health, for our wallet, but also for our environment?

First of all, you must be certain that you have a deficiency at all. This might seem to state the obvious, but even though supplements are no medicines, they shouldn’t be taken lightly.

So make sure you base your choice on a medical test or blood analysis.

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How can we Live a Minimalist Lifestyle? Less is More!

How can we Live a Minimalist Lifestyle? Less is More!

One of the ways to sustainable living can mean we live a minimalist lifestyle. I have to admit that although I am truly trying to have a sustainable lifestyle, I am not good (yet) at being a minimalist.

As an artist, I see value in almost everything. A piece of package paper can be used in collages; leftovers of fabric will probably come in handy as a pillow cover; a beautiful stone or crooked branch is beautiful in itself.

And so things pile up.

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How can Shopping be Sustainable? Tips and Best Practices

How can Shopping be Sustainable? Tips and Best Practices

How can shopping be sustainable? I will discuss 14 subdivisions in this article, but in the end, they all belong to one of three things: People, Profit, Planet.

In 1987 the Brundtland Commission investigated the concept of sustainability. The focus of their definition was firmly on the long term. Sustainability is the most effective and beneficial system for all species and ecosystems, serving the needs of today without compromising those of tomorrow.

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19 Reasons Why Trees are Vital to the World, including Us

19 Reasons Why Trees are Vital to the World, including Us

Even though I don’t want too many or big trees in our garden, I am well aware that trees are vital to the world. The only reason that I don’t want too many of them in our garden is that they wouldn’t have room to grow.

It’s kind of a luxury decision. After all, we live at the foot of a nature park that covers the mountains in front of our house. And behind the house is a little terrain covered with trees and shrubs. Plenty of trees in my environment to enjoy.

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Is it OK to Eat Goji Berries Every Day? (Are they Really Healthy?)

Is it OK to Eat Goji Berries Every Day? (Are they Really Healthy?)

Goji berries have been on my list of superfoods for several years now. In the beginning, I ate them occasionally. Until I saw that they lower cholesterol, which naturally made me wonder: Is it OK to eat Goji berries every day?

Goji berries aren’t new to people in Tibet, the Himalayas, and China. However, they’re fairly new to our part of the world and I am glad they can now be bought in most organic stores.

A variety of benefits were associated with Goji berries in ancient Chinese medicine. They are mentioned in the oldest Chinese medical and herbal books.

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Are there Easy Ways to Reduce Plastic Waste? LastObject Knows

Are there Easy Ways to Reduce Plastic Waste? LastObject Knows

In 2020 there was worldwide 900% more plastic than in 1980. An unbelievable number, don’t you think? I think there is a huge responsibility with the companies that produce plastic objects and wrap their products in plastics. Yet we as consumers can put in an effort as well. It’s not that hard.

There are easy ways to reduce plastic waste for conscious consumers. I agree with the following quote: “We don’t need a handful of people doing zero waste perfectly. We need millions of people doing it imperfectly”.

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Is Plastic Really a Problem? (Probably Not, but Something Else is)

Is Plastic Really a Problem? (Probably Not, but Something Else is)

Please don’t worry, I didn’t lose my sustainable dream or would promote the use of plastic. Yet, let’s be realistic: is there absolutely no plastic in our houses? We can’t avoid it, can we?

Is plastic really a problem, or is there something wrong that is way more fundamental? I think it’s the latter. As long as plastic equals the throwaway culture, not only plastic will stay a problem but all resources will become a problem.

The way materials are used makes it hard to comply with the sustainability quote “Refuse Reuse Recycle Repair Reduce Rot Rethink”. Part of the problems has to be solved by the industry and part of them can be solved by us, individuals.

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12 Electricity Saving Tips for our Home if we Want to Save Money

12 Electricity Saving Tips for our Home if we Want to Save Money

It’s so easy that we have electricity in our homes. Just flip or press a button to turn on lights, run the computer or TV, or turn on the air conditioner.

We realize how convenient electricity is when the power goes out, which happens regularly here in Spain. And currently also in Germany, Belgium, and the Netherlands because of the flooding, and in the US because of the heat.

Electricity saving tips for our home save money, but also save the environment. This is sorely needed with the escalation of climate change.

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