What Are the Best Ways to Control Garden Pests without Chemicals?

What Are the Best Ways to Control Garden Pests without Chemicals?

It’s December at the moment and back in the Netherlands, I would never have to worry about pest control at this time. But over here in Spain, my second crop is in the kitchen garden. And the grasshoppers have a field day on my plants.

Whenever possible I try to avoid killing insects. I prefer them to move over to the woods behind our house or to the campo (the Spanish countryside). But I also want to eat my harvest so if they are very persistent, I take bigger measures.

What are the best ways to control garden pests without using chemicals or artificial toxins? I have listed 10 methods in this article.

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Is Happiness the Key to be Successful or Vice Versa?

Is Happiness the Key to be Successful or Vice Versa?

Is happiness the key to be successful or is success the key to be happy? It probably depends on who you ask this question. If you ask me, I say happiness comes first. But if you would have asked my Dad he would have said success is the main thing.

The mother of my father had to raise 6 children on her own during the crisis of the 30s because my grandfather died young. So my father had a job from age 12.

He was determined to study and work himself up to a better position. He went to night school and became a very skilled metalworker. During World War II he was imprisoned in an Arbeitslager in Germany. My father always claimed this hadn’t been too bad because he found refuge in his profession and could perfect his skill there.

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How Can We Avoid Holiday Consumerism in December?

How Can We Avoid Holiday Consumerism in December?

Every festivity has turned into a marketing event to drive consumerism. This not only means presents but also creates a larger mountain of waste.

In the US 25% more waste is thrown away between Thanksgiving and January 1st, according to Stanford University. It won’t be much better in the EU. Food waste and Christmas trees add to the Carbon footprint.

How can we avoid Holiday consumerism and still have a fun December month? We move further on the green road when we deal with what we want more mindfully.

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Age-Related Health Conditions that may be Prevented with Exercise

Age-Related Health Conditions that may be Prevented with Exercise

Moving to a warmer climate did a great deal of good for my arthritis. And so did my exercises. Not just the specific exercises for my hands, but also the stretching, weight training, swimming, and walking.

There are 4 age-related health conditions that figure in my exercise zone: arthritis, cancer, heart disease, and mental health conditions.

My diverse routine exercise program, with cardiovascular exercise, strength training, and stretching, is aimed at preventing these conditions to materialize or worsen.

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Is Curcuma Healthy or Should we Avoid Eating it?

Is Curcuma Healthy or Should we Avoid Eating it?

Is Curcuma healthy? Curcuma belongs to the superfoods. Its health benefits are huge, yet there are some circumstances when it’s better to minimize or skip eating Curcuma.

Other names for Curcuma are Turmeric, Kunyit, Indian turmeric, and Indian saffron. It is the yellow root of the Curcuma longa plant and is available both fresh and in powder form, and even as a supplement.

Scientific research shows that Curcuma has many health benefits.

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The 6 Essential Nutrients to Have a Balanced Diet

The Essential Nutrients to have a Balanced Diet

No matter what diet or lifestyle we have, it is necessary to get all the nutrients a body needs. Those are called essential nutrients for a reason.

This article is about the essential nutrients to have a balanced diet. And I was curious what kind of diets there are, so it is also about specific diets and lifestyles. 

The 6 essential nutrients are water, carbohydrates, protein, fats, vitamins, and minerals.
Some say fibers are the 7th essential nutrient.

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Season Food for Health Benefits with Organic Tasteful Spices

Season Food for Health Benefits with Organic Tasteful Spices

We all supplement our food unless you cook totally pure without herbs or spices.

Usually, we season our food because of the taste, yet spices are also a great source of necessary vitamins and minerals. We can season food for health benefits.

As an artist, I can’t resist mentioning that spices also make a great dye for paper and fabric. But don’t worry, this article is about how to season food. Although cooking is of course also an artistic process. 🙂

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What are Great Green Presents for the Holidays to Give? 11 Tips

What are Great Green Presents for the Holidays to Give?

The holiday season is on its way. Maybe it’s early to talk about the presents we want to come up with to give to our family and friends. 

On the other hand, Black Friday (the last Friday of the month) is coming as well. Lots of companies have nice offers either on that specific day or, to avoid crowds, spread out over a few days or weeks.

So why not be frugal and save ourselves the stress of December by thinking about green presents for the holidays now.

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