Citizens Devoted to the Conservation of Biodiversity

Citizens Devoted to the Conservation of Biodiversity

The conservation of biodiversity appeals to many citizens. In this article, I introduce 2 examples of citizens initiatives, committed to the conservation of biodiversity: GREFA, a wildlife biodiversity initiative, and RMDS, an agricultural biodiversity initiative.

Because we live in Spain, the examples are Spanish. We’re convinced, however, that these types of citizen initiatives can be found everywhere.

GREFA is a citizens’ wildlife conservation intitiative: Grupo de Rehabilitación de la Fauna Autóctona y su Hábitat (Group for the Rehabilitation of Autochthonous Fauna and its Habitat).

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What are 7 Healthy Eating Habits when You want to Be Active?

What are 7 Healthy Eating Habits when You want to Be Active?

Healthy eating habits? In the Netherlands, when we were children, we ate 2 sandwiches with chocolate sprinkles or peanut butter for breakfast. The same for lunch. And at the end of the day between 5 and 6 pm the warm meal: potatoes, meat, and vegetables.

The same every day.

Later, when Tom and I had our son and wanted to be a healthy family, we changed some of these habits. Only fruits for breakfast, sandwiches with cheese for lunch, and more variation for the evening meals, alternating the usual Dutch food with rice, pasta, salads, and such. Changing the time to a hipper 7 to 8 pm.

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Eating a Rainbow of Food Will do a Lot of Good

Eating a Rainbow of Food Will do a Lot of Good

Eating a rainbow of food is healthy. To always eat the same food is not good. Every day, we try to balance the composition of the colors of what we eat.

This may sound a little bit strange, but we do this because different fruits and vegetables have different qualities. Mixing the colors helps you to optimize the balance of all the different nutrients, vitamins, and minerals you need.

Each nutrient in fruits and vegetables has its significant impact on our health. This is even more significant when we encounter minor health problems. Get as much color variety in your diet as you can. Eating a rainbow of food will do a lot of good.

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Healthy Food Dishes with Blue and Purple Fruits and Vegetables

Healthy Food Dishes with Blue and Purple Fruits and Vegetables

Healthy food dishes are amazing to prepare and often much easier than you would expect. The trick is to use the right ingredients. Blue and purple fruits and vegetables are such healthy ingredients. Tom and I always use organic fruits and vegetables which are delicious.

The next step is to know what the specific health benefits are of the food we use in our dishes. Most fruits and vegetables are the healthiest when eaten raw. Steam cooked is also a healthy way to prepare food. We always use as little oil and water as possible. And the oil is always organic and plant-based. 

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Throw an Eco-Friendly Party for Unique Birthdays or Holidays

Throw an Eco-Friendly Party for Unique Birthdays or Holidays

Whether it’s a birthday party, one of the holidays like Christmas or Eastern, or just a party because we feel like it. Food, family, friends, and fun – it doesn’t get much better than that, does it?

Well, actually it can get better than that. We can have that same food, family, friends, and fun while also having a positive, or at least a neutral, effect on the environment. It’s so easy to forget all about our intentions if it gets too busy with preparations for a large group.

Yet, it certainly is possible to be sustainable and conscious, even when you are preparing for a large number of people. Here are tips to throw an eco-friendly party.

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Food with a Conscience is More than just Healthy Food

Food with a Conscience is More than just Healthy Food

Food with a conscience is something most of us want more and more. We visit the supermarket and try to think beyond what we want on our plate. Yes, we want healthy food, but we also want to know where the food comes from.

However, the more we have to buy, the more difficult it is to keep track of our good conscience. And if both parents have a busy and demanding job, there is little time and energy left to be mindful of what we buy and eat.

That’s why I’ve made up some rules of thumb for ‘food with a conscience’.

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Yellow Foods that Boost your Immune System Naturally

Yellow Foods that Boost your Immune System Naturally

Foods that boost your immune system naturally are not only important in these pandemic times. They will always improve your health status. Take for instance yellow foods.

They’re sunny, glowing, and radiant, contain dietary fibers, and amino acids. Yellow foods are good for your skin. And, by the way, you can make delicious dishes with it.

Our series about food with color consists of 6 articles: red, orange, yellow, white, green, and blue/purple. These articles also contain a lot of tips and recipes. Many of these other colored foods are foods that boost your immune system naturally as well.

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Grow your Own Herbs Indoors or Outside for Quality Herbal Tea

Grow your Own Herbs Indoors or Outside for Herbal Tea

As you may know, Tom and I are huge advocates of organic food. Yet we are also aware that in some places organic produce is hardly available. So why not grow some yourself? And if you don’t have a garden, herbs are especially easy to grow indoors.

Some are easy growers, others need more attention. The orientation of your window is important, as well as the soil you put them in. You can sow them or use cuttings. And nowadays there are complete, highly sophisticated indoor systems.

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